One thing you must have to understand in your life is the manifestation of energy that you have. Your energy state manifests in real life. Do you hear about the law of attraction? Do you have any doubt about the law of attraction?
Law of attraction based on the principle that thought creates reality. Your thought has a certain energy and that energy manifest in your life. Not only thought but also words that you speak and action that you take have energy too. There are two types of the energy level of thought low energy level and high energy level. I already tell you that your life is a manifestation of your energy.
Now if you are always in low-level energy like sadness, apathy, failure, etc this thing will happen in your life
But if you are always in high energy levels like happy, passionate, successful, etc this thing will happen in your life similarly if you are in high energy level sometimes and low energy level at another time then your life won't be in a stable state. You are not able to utilize your full potential.
Thus always maintain your high energy level of thought. Do you know Action equals result? If you are at a high energy level with a deliberate action plan you can achieve anything. similarly, the law of attraction is 100 percent true because the energy level of thought creates your actual reality.
Always maintain your high energy level and take deliberate action to fulfill your dream. without maintaining a high energy level of thought you can't achieve your dream. The high energy level and deliberate action are two key things to achieve the impossible.